NSABE Faustin, MD

Born on 02/9/1984

Medical Order No: 1677

PASSPORT : OP0203994

Tel : + 257 79400401/ 75 939525

Email: nsabefifa@gmail.com



Dr Faustin is a Doctor of Medicine with extensive experience in project management in global health. From 2015 to the present, he has conducted research, managed projects, and provided expertise to organizations working in Burundi and the East African region, such as ABUBEF, ANSS, and International Medical Corps.

His core competencies include managing health projects in general and Reproductive Health in particular, documenting the impact of project implementation on beneficiaries’ expectations and demands, and organizing teams’ work to achieve the expected results.

His work also includes the provision of Family Planning Services through community-based distribution, capacity building, and improving the quality of care in health facilities through adapted approaches, collaboration with the Burundian health system at both the central and peripheral operational levels, and the development of proposals based on calls for proposals or to establish a competitive project bank; general medical and surgical care; and comprehensive care for HIV-AIDS infection.


Doctorate in General Medicine, University of Burundi,

Inter-University Diploma in Comprehensive Care of HIV-AIDS (organized by the Faculty of Medicine, FHI/360-USAID and PMTCT),

Training certificate in “Management, Monitoring and Evaluation” of projects.

  • Management (Elaboration, Coordination of the implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation and reporting of the activities and final reporting of the project) of Health Projects in general and Reproductive Health in particular,
  • Document the impact of project implementation with beneficiaries’ expectations and demands
  • Organization of the work of the teams to achieve the expected objectives,
  • Provision of Family Planning Services based on community-based distribution,
  • Capacity building and improvement of the quality of care in the health facilities through adapted approaches,
  • Collaboration with the Burundian health system at both the central and peripheral operational levels,
  • Elaboration of proposals based on calls for proposals or to constitute a bank of competitive projects.
  • General medical and surgical care,
  • Comprehensive care for HIV-AIDS infection,


  1. From March 2021 to Nowadays: Independent consultant
  • Technical assistance to ABUBEF for the preparation of the final programmatic report:

– Conduct and analysis interviews with stakeholders to ensure that external perspectives on project successes and challenges are incorporated

– Develop at least one human interest story that is representative of the reality of the target population and the change the project has brought to their lives

– Check the accuracy of the quantitative data presented in the report and ensure that it is consistent with the story

– Identify any information gaps in the report and help ABUBEF ensure that the report is complete.

  • Consultancy services to ABUBEF to support the development of a proposal that includes:

Designing the programmatic proposal/activities that are relevant, realistic and feasible to address the identified problem and contribute to the achievement of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) strategic plan

Design the financial offer based on the direct and indirect costs of the future project

  1. From 1 June 2020 to 28 February 2021 :

Function: Medical Officer in charge of the project “Inclusive Access to Quality Family Planning Services”, which aims to “contribute to the improvement of access and sustainability of the provision of quality family planning services including voluntary surgical contraception and post-abortion and post-partum family planning.”

Overall responsibility :

– Develop and coordinate the technical interventions of the project and guide the implementation and monitoring, and Evaluation of the interventions,

– Collaborate with the Finance Department in monitoring the project budget,

– Organize learning events to document lessons learnt from implementation and propose remedial solutions to achieve the expected results;

– Carry out reporting of activities in general and final reporting of the project in particular,

Employer : ABUBEF, AM of IPPF, Quartier JABE, Avenue de l’Imprimerie, No_ 25

  1. From November 2019 to 31 May 2020 :

Function: Medical Officer of the project “She decides” which aimed at “Contribution to the improvement of accessibility to Sexual and Reproductive Health services to underserved and vulnerable populations” which operates in three provinces BUJUMBURA, RUMONGE and KIRUNDO with a budget of $652,101 and a staff of 8 full-time workers.

Overall allocation:

After the resignation of the project manager, the development, coordination of the technical interventions of the project by guiding the implementation and monitoring evaluation of the project.

– Collaborate with the Finance Department for the budgetary follow-up of the project

– Participate in workshops organized by the donor to learn techniques for the sustainability of the project.

– Employer: Association Burundaise pour le Bien Être Familial (ABUBEF), Quartier JABE, Avenue de l’Imprimerie, No_25

– Donor: International Movement “She decides” through the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)

  1. From July 2018 to March 2019 :

– Function: Medical officer in charge of the “Global Gag Rule” project, which offers the “Integrated Package of Essential Services for Vulnerable Women and Youth” and which intervenes in three provinces: BUJUMBURA, NGOZI and KIRUNDO with a budget of $295,210 and a staff of 4 full-time workers.

– Overall responsibility: To develop and coordinate the technical interventions of the project by guiding the implementation and monitoring, and Evaluation of the project with 50% clinical services and 50% project management:

– Employer : ABUBEF, Quartier JABE, Avenue de l’Imprimerie, No_ 25

– Donor: Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives through the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).

  1. Since September 2018 to 28 February:

Function: Focal point of ABUBEF’s partnership with its partners, including the Ministry of Public Health and AIDS Control, and within this framework, I am an influential member of the technical committees:

– e-MTCT technical committee sponsored by the National AIDS Control Programme

– Pilot Committee for the establishment of the Platform of Civil Society Organisations involved in Maternal, Newborn and Child Reproductive Health,

– National Maternal Death Surveillance and Response Committee sponsored by the National Reproductive Health Programme,

– Joint Technical Committee that developed the SRMNIA Strategic Plan 2019-2023 as a delegate of ABUBEF that was sponsored by the NRHP and its funding partners,

– Effective participation in the call for proposals launched by UNICEF for Civil Society Organisations, resulting in the awarding of the project “Contribution to the Improvement of Vaccine Coverage in the Health Districts of Mairie Sud and KABEZI

  1. From August 2017 to June 2018 :

Position: Attending Physician and Manager of the CIBITOKE Conviviality Centre within the BDI-C-CRB Project executed by ANSS within the framework of strengthening the community response to HIV among key populations.

Overall responsibility: To coordinate the project interventions by guiding the implementation and monitoring, and Evaluation of the activities of the CIBITOKE community centre

Employer: National Association for the Support of People Living with HIV/AIDS (ANSS).

– Donor: Global Fund for HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis via the Burundi Red Cross.

  1. June to October 2015 :

– Practical training as a doctor in Pre-Training Services at the Centre de prise en charge des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH (Service YEZU MWIZA) and at the Centre de Médecine Communautaire de BUYENZI within the framework of the inter-university diploma.


  1. From May 2016 to 29 May 2017 :

Position: Doctor in charge of the medical follow-up of People Living with HIV

Name and address of employer: Clinique Saint David de RUMONGE within the project “Initiatives for developing vulnerable populations” IDEP an acronym.

  1. From 1 to 31 July 2017 :

Function: Surveyor engaged in a study “Evaluation of the nutritional situation as well as health knowledge, attitudes and practices in the provinces of KAYANZA, KIRUNDO and MUYINGA.

Main tasks:

Conduct interviews with respondents and collect their opinions about their knowledge of nutrition

Take anthropometric measurements of children under five years of age.

Filling out survey questionnaires

Employer: International Medical Corps (IMC)



From 07 to 11 December 2020 : Training on public procurement organised by the Autorité de Régulation des Marchés Publics for ABUBEF staff and volunteers,

Since 17 March 2020: On the appointment of His Excellency the Minister of Public Health and AIDS Control, I was trained for a week and was part of the Steering Committee of the study “Index stigma 2.0” conducted by PLHIV and for PLHIV until its validation by stakeholders on 12 February 2021,

Since 11 January 2019: I am a member of the technical group in charge of studying the Contribution of civil society in the management of HIV infection, sponsored by the SP/CNLS

From 25- 29/1/2019: Participation in the workshop organized by International Planned Parenthood Federation /African Region Office in Nairobi, Kenya around :

– Sustainability of project activities

– Resource mobilization and social entrepreneurship

– Evaluation of the first year of implementation and planning for year 2 of the “She Decides” project


From 05 to 09/3/2019: Participation in the workshop organized by International Planned Parenthood Federation /African Region Office in Nairobi, Kenya around :

– Programmatic and financial management of restricted projects

– Sustainability of project activities

– Resource mobilization and social entrepreneurship

– Evaluation of the first year of implementation and planning for year 2 of the “She Decides” project

April to June 2015: Theoretical training on the comprehensive management of HIV-AIDS infection (organized by the Faculty of Medicine, FHI/360-USAID and PMTCT) leading to an inter-university diploma (DIU).

From 22 to 25 October 2013: Training on the search for scientific information with HINARI and PUBMED resources (organized by WHO in collaboration with INSP), leading to a certificate of participation.

From May to September 2013: Training in computer tools (Initiation, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, internet and Epi-Info) with a training certificate in these computer tools.

  1. Language skills
Languages Read Spoken Written
Kirundi Mother tongue
French Excellent Excellent Excellent
English Very good Good Very Good
Swahili Good Good Good


  1. Computer Sciences

Microsoft Word;

Microsoft Excel;

Microsoft PowerPoint;



Microsoft Teams